Our Approach

Our Approach

Our work is guided by evidence-based, theoretical frameworks and methods that acknowledge the links between adult practices, emotional development, and child behavior.


The Foundations of QTurn Coaching and Evaluation

Measuring the quality and impact of out-of-school time programs presents complex challenges. What is quality, exactly? How can we be confident that the tools we use to gauge quality truly capture those environmental factors that promote skill growth and well-being for each child and in particular, those who need it most.

How do we know when an adult has become one of the positive influences that improve the life trajectory of a child or adolescent? We cannot wait for the letters they will write, years later, to the mentor who changed their life. Instead, we employ a strong framework and powerful analytics to identify positive outcomes.

A strong framework can address the following questions:

  • How do we define quality?
  • What short-term outcomes should we look for?
  • What long-term outcomes can we expect?
  • How do high-quality programs influence children and youth?
  • What practices produce the best results when children are struggling?
  • How do we know when children are struggling?


Brain, Mind, and the Big Picture

Every child is influenced by a multitude of factors. Some of those factors come from within. They include beliefs, expectations, habits, and modes of awareness. Other factors exist around the child, settings which are nested within one another like Russian dolls: the immediate environment created by the youth program, the school in which that program operates, and the local system in which the school is embedded. Each level is influenced by the level above it.

The recognition that the program in which children grow is one of multiple, nested levels, and the quality of the program interacts with key processes within the mind of the child, forms the basis of our Multilevel Person-in-Context ~ neuroperson (MPCn) framework.

This framework gives QTurn the unique ability to understand, measure, and analyze child-level outcomes of high-quality programming.

Learn more:

(list of papers, pages and posts on MPCn…)


Adverse Childhood Experiences

To achieve positive outcomes for children and youth requires attention to the unique stressors facing children and families at this moment in time. The COVID pandemic, among many other factors, can leave a lasting imprint unless we intervene with the science and wisdom needed to get children back on track.

Remote School

Children suffered setbacks in both their academic and psychological development.

Environmental Changes

From polluted water to climate extremes, the environment has an effect on children’s health.

Economic Pressures

Financial instability results in a multitude of negative outcomes for children.

Learn more on our Measurement Tools page >


Powerful Analytical Methods

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How It Works

  • First list item here
  • Another feature
  • Item three here
  • This is more
  • And another one