A Compassionate Evaluation using the GOLD Assessment in Genesee Intermediate School District

In early 2020, COVID-19 rates were soaring. Masks, cleaning supplies, and clear information were in short supply. This was especially true for schools across the country. Teachers, parents, and students were unsure about what was going to happen next. On Thursday, April 1, 2020 (in-person) school was still in session in the Genesee Intermediate School … Continue reading A Compassionate Evaluation using the GOLD Assessment in Genesee Intermediate School District

What Exactly is Compassionate Evaluation?

Compassion has a lot of definitions, but most have to do with recognition of suffering, action to alleviate suffering, and tolerance of discomfort during the action.[i] By April of 2020, we knew that our afterschool partners in Genesee County (including the city of Flint) Michigan, and many of the children and families that they served, … Continue reading What Exactly is Compassionate Evaluation?

Continuous Quality Improvement and Evaluation in 2020: A Plan for 21st Century Community Learning Centers

During times of crisis when programs are under tremendous pressures, evaluation and assessment can be challenging. Programs enter triage mode, putting their limited time and energy into the most urgent tasks. This heightens the need for evaluation that reduces strain and improves capacity. When conditions that created the crisis are long-lasting, like the coronavirus pandemic, … Continue reading Continuous Quality Improvement and Evaluation in 2020: A Plan for 21st Century Community Learning Centers

QTurn’s Afterschool Evaluation Plan 2020

In partnership with the Michigan Department of Education and Michigan After-School Partnership, QTurn has put together a suite of evaluation tools specifically developed for afterschool programs during the 2020-21 school year – The Afterschool Evaluation 2020 (AEP2020). The Management Practices Self-Assessment (MPSA), Guidance for Learning at a Distance (GOLD), and the Adult Rating of Youth … Continue reading QTurn’s Afterschool Evaluation Plan 2020

Defining High Quality for Afterschool Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic​

Since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, as schools grappled with the sudden demand for remote instruction, afterschool and other out-of-school time (OST) programs have been striving to adapt. As programs expand their remote offerings and gradually reopen, there is a need for guidance. Delivering the same high-quality supports to children and youth at home is a formidable challenge, and returning to in-person programming requires adjustment to a new normal.