REQUEST ACCESS This paper uses pattern centered methods to describe the association between four collaborative management practices and the quality of instruction available to youth.

REQUEST ACCESS This paper uses pattern centered methods to describe the association between four collaborative management practices and the quality of instruction available to youth.
DOWNLOAD The guidebook describes SEL standards and organizational and curriculum features for a set of eight exemplary SEL programs.Citation: Charles Smith et al., Preparing Youth to Thrive: Promising Practices for Social and Emotional Learning (Washington, DC: Forum for Youth Investment, 2016).
REQUEST ACCESS How-to guide for cities drawing on experience from implementation of QIS in 40+ cities and states. Citation: Yohalem, N., Devaney, E., Smith, C., & Wilson-Ahlstrom, A. (2012). Building Citywide Systems for Quality: A Guide and Case Studies for Afterschool Leaders.
REQUEST ACCESS Multi-site randomized controlled trial that identifies a substantively large and statistically significant cross-level cascade of QIS effects from network to organization to point-of-service instruction. Citation: Akiva, T., Sugar, S.A., Smith, C., Pearson, L.M., Peck, S.C., Denault, A., & Blazevski, J. (2012). Continuous Quality Improvement in Afterschool Settings: Impact findings from the Youth Program … Continue reading Continuous quality improvement in afterschool settings: Impact findings from the Youth Program Quality Intervention study
REQUEST ACCESS Case study of scaled QIS implementation in Rhode Island with focus on manager skills and implementation at the organization level. Citation: Devaney, E., Smith, C., & Wong, K.K. (2012). Understanding the “How” of Quality Improvement: Lessons from the Rhode Island Program Quality Intervention. Afterschool Matters.
DOWNLOAD This paper uses pattern centered methods to identify three different quality profiles – high, medium, and low – that characterize staff instruction in out-of-school time programs. Citation: Smith, C., Peck, S.C., Denault, A., Blazevski, J. and Akiva, T. (2010), Quality at the Point of Service: Profiles of Practice in After-School Settings. American Journal of … Continue reading Quality at the point of service: profiles of practice in after-school settings
DOWNLOAD This paper uses pattern centered methods to describe the association between the quality of instruction available and youth’s level of mental engagement with that instruction.Citation: Akiva, T., Pearson, L., Sugar, S. A., Peck, S. C., Smith, C., & Denault, A. (2010). Linking after-school instructional practices to youth engagement: A pattern-centered approach. Paper presented at … Continue reading Linking after-school instructional practices to youth engagement: A pattern-centered approach
REQUEST ACCESS Mixed methods study of QIS implementation and effects in afterschool programs in Palm Beach County, Fl.Citation: Smith, C., Akiva, T., Blazevski, J., & Pelle, L. (2008). Final report on the Palm Beach Quality Improvement System pilot: Model implementation and program quality improvement in 38 after-school programs. Forum for Youth Investment, David P, Weikart … Continue reading Final report on the Palm Beach quality improvement system pilot: Model implementation and program quality improvement in 38 after-school programs