Share on linkedin LinkedIn Share on twitter Twitter Share on email Email Download The Southeastern Michigan Stewardship Coalition (SEMIS) is a high impact and low-cost school reform for adults and students to build their repertoire of ecological stewardship skills – SEL, STEM and civic – and experience agency from the practice of ecological stewardship in … Continue reading SEMIS Coalition for Place-Based Ecological Stewardship: Growing a Movement, Getting Ready for Growth
Evaluation of Program Quality and Social and Emotional Learning in American Youth Circus Organization Social Circus Programs
DOWNLOAD This report exemplifies use of the suite of SEL measures and benchmarks in the American Youth Circus Organizations network. Citation: Smith, C., Roy, L., Peck, S., & Macleod, C. (2017). Evaluation of program quality and social and emotional learning in American Youth Circus Organization social circus programs. Retrieved January 2018 from American Youth Circus … Continue reading Evaluation of Program Quality and Social and Emotional Learning in American Youth Circus Organization Social Circus Programs
Design study for the Summer Learning Program Quality Intervention (SLPQI): Final-year intervention design and evaluation results
DOWNLOAD This paper describes implementation and outcomes for QIS in school-based summer learning programs in multiple cities.
Oklahoma afterschool improvement process: Evaluation of 5 year trajectories
REQUEST ACCESS This paper describes validity of QIS performance measures and longitudinal change over four years in Oklahoma 21st CCLC programs.
Preparing youth to thrive: Methodology and findings from the social and emotional learning challenge
DOWNLOAD This technical report describes methodology and findings for (1) best-practice SEL standards, (2) validation of a suite of SEL performance measures for use in QIS, and (3) performance benchmarks for out-of-school time programs focused on building SEL skills with vulnerable children/youth. Citation: Smith, C., McGovern, G., Peck., S.C., Larson, R., Hillaker, B., Roy, L. … Continue reading Preparing youth to thrive: Methodology and findings from the social and emotional learning challenge
Quality-outcomes study for Seattle Public Schools summer programs, 2016 program cycle
DOWNLOAD This paper compares outcomes for struggling students in high quality instructional settings to outcomes for similar students in low quality instructional settings.
Framing an evidence based decision about 21st CCLC: How do we see the value?
DOWNLOAD In this policy commentary, we do some reasoning about how 21st CCLC produces value and discuss the limitations in one particular way of seeing that value – the intent-to-treat impact evaluation design.
Afterschool quality systems
DOWNLOAD This paper describes areas of broad consensus in the out-of-school time field, including the growing focus on SEL skills.Citation: Smith, C., Akiva, T., McGovern, G. and Peck, S.C. (2014), Afterschool quality. New Directions for Youth Development, 2014: 31-44.
Moving the needle on moving the needle: Next stage technical guidance for performance based accountability systems in the expanded learning field with a focus on performance levels for the quality of instructional services
DOWNLOAD This paper introduces the nomenclature of performance-based accountability systems (PBAS) to the expanded learning field, provides a policy case study for a countywide system in southern Florida and uses data from that system to explore the issue of quality thresholds. We present an expanded design standard to guide development and improvement of PBAS policies … Continue reading Moving the needle on moving the needle: Next stage technical guidance for performance based accountability systems in the expanded learning field with a focus on performance levels for the quality of instructional services
Measuring youth skills in expanded learning systems: Case study for reliability and validity of the YDEKC skill measures and technical guidance for local evaluators
DOWNLOAD This paper uses pattern-centered methods to increase the usefulness of information available from survey-based skill measures, with a focus on using survey-based skills measures to detect skill change over time.