Knowledge Center.

Fall 2022: Evolving the Standard for High Quality
Charles Smith, Ph.D. | March 28th, 2023
In the prior two blogs, we talked about how a group of master afterschool teachers at 25 afterschool sites in Genesee County have responded to the pandemic years. One important area of evolution was the new service models that put staff in the field visiting homes and meeting parents at drop off sites, producing a wide variety of online activity content, taking activities outside and, for the first time, implementing a whole new regime of personally protective equipment (PPE) and cohorting practices. This was a lot of new stuff!
Content Library

QTurn 101 – Neuroperson Framework
VIDEO 1: QTurn’s Neuroperson Framework helps to see children’s mental and behavioral skills more clearly, in support of attachment-aware trauma-informed (AATI) updates to best practice and quality. Part 2: QTurn

QTurn 101 – More on Schema
Video 2: Using the Neuroperson Framework to see through socio-emotional blind spots and demystify the reality of trauma for child development settings.

QTurn 101 – Outcome Measures
VIDEO 3: An introduction to QTurn’s new measures developed to promote more accurate, feasible and low cost evidence about impact and equity in child development settings. Part 1: QTurn 101: Neuroperson
Youth Voice and Climate Readiness in Schools
Content and materials from the session Youth Voice for Climate Readiness in Schools, on October 13th, 2023 at the Michigan Afterschool Collaborative – Leadership Summit. Session Material – Resource

Realist(ic) Evaluation Tools for OST Programs: The Quality-Outcomes Design and Methods (Q-ODM) Toolbox
Share on linkedin LinkedIn Share on twitter Twitter Share on email Email Download Socio-emotional learning (SEL) skills are a partial but necessary cause of children’s developmental outcomes, and SEL skill

Measuring Socio-Emotional Skill, Impact, and Equity Outcomes
Share on linkedin LinkedIn Share on twitter Twitter Share on email Email Download The positivist theory and methodology used by most researchers and evaluators is poorly suited for addressing the

Socio-Emotional Skills, Quality, and Equity: The Multilevel Person-in-Context~neuroperson (MPCn) Framework
Share on linkedin LinkedIn Share on twitter Twitter Share on email Email Download Evaluation evidence about the relations among children’s prior history, engagement in program settings, resulting SEL skill growth,

Newark Trust for Education Project
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The Afterschool Learning at a Distance: Key Themes and Promising Practices
The Afterschool Learning at a Distance: Key Themes and Promising Practices describes the experiences and practices of Genesee Intermediate School District: Brides to Success’ (GISD) Team Leads and direct staff

The multilevel person in context ~ neuroperson (MPCn) model: Guidance for quality improvement systems (QIS) focused on socio-emotional skill growth and transfer outcomes
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Promoting Healthy Development of Young People: Outcomes Framework 2.0
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Impact Evaluation for the Palm Beach County Quality Improvement System (QIS) using Fully Pattern-Centered Analytics
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Measure Once, Cut Twice: Using Data For Continuous and Impact Evaluation in Education Programs
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Newark Trust for Education Project
The Newark Trust for Education (NTE) Parent Child Plus (PC+) program is an evidence-based early childhood education program for families in the Newark, NJ. NTE seeks to evaluate performance by

The Afterschool Learning at a Distance: Key Themes and Promising Practices
The Afterschool Learning at a Distance: Key Themes and Promising Practices describes the experiences and practices of Genesee Intermediate School District: Brides to Success’ (GISD) Team Leads and direct staff

Impact Evaluation for the Palm Beach County Quality Improvement System (QIS) using Fully Pattern-Centered Analytics
In this study, we used performance data generated by Prime Time Inc. in Palm Beach County and fully pattern-centered methodology to describe the chain of causal effects as a cascade