This guide offers case studies that explain how cities and intermediaries can work with afterschool providers across a neighborhood, city, or region to build quality into the programs that are part of an afterschool system.
The STEM supplement to the Youth Program Quality Assessment
This report describes the process of development of the STEM supplement to the Youth Program Quality Assessment and preliminary reliability and validity evidence based on data collected during The Afterzone Summer Scholars program sponsored by the Providence After School Alliance (PASA).
Continuous Quality Improvement in Afterschool Settings: Impact Findings from the Youth Program Quality Intervention Study
The David P. Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality conducted a three year intervention study to examine the Youth Program Quality Intervention (YPQI). The YPQI is a data-driven continuous improvement model for school and community-based sites serving youth during afterschool hours.
Understanding the “How” of Quality Improvement: Lessons from the Rhode Island Program Quality Intervention
Case study of scaled QIS implementation in Rhode Island with focus on manager skills and implementation at the organization level.
Quality at the Point of Service: Profiles of Practice in After-School Settings
This paper uses pattern centered methods to identify three different quality profiles (high, medium, and low) that characterize staff instruction in out-of-school time programs.
Linking after-school instructional practices to youth engagement: A pattern-centered approach
This paper uses pattern centered methods to describe the association between the quality of instruction available and youth’s level of mental engagement with that instruction.
Quality and Accountability in the Out-of-School Time Sector
In the fragmented OST sector, defining and measuring quality in terms of staff behaviors provides a common framework that can reduce obstacles to performance improvement and streamline data-driven accountability. This chapter views the point of service as the critical unit of study because it is ubiquitous across OST programs and because it is the place where key developmental experiences are intentionally delivered.
Linking Management Practices to Instructional Performances in OST Organizations
This paper uses pattern centered methods to describe the association between the quality of instruction available and youth’s level of mental engagement with that instruction.
Bringing in the Community: Partnerships and Quality Assurance
This paper, published in the Fall 2008 edition of Afterschool Matters: Occasional Paper Series, describes community partnerships in Michigan’s 21st CCLC programs.
Quality Accountability: Improving Fidelity of Broad Developmentally Focused Interventions
This chapter describes the Youth Program Quality Intervention (YPQI), a setting-level intervention model designed to raise quality in out-of-school time programs. The YPQI takes managers and staff from a network of youth programs through a process of identifying and addressing strengths and areas for improvement, using a standardized assessment tool.