This quality-outcomes study was designed to both (a) describe performance in Seattle Public Schools (SPS) summer learning programs in ways that are useful to staff and (b) provide evaluative evidence (i.e., validity) for an instructional model that includes challenging academic content and responsive instructional practices.
Evaluation of Afterschool Improvement Process: Oklahoma 21st Century Community Learning Centers
This paper describes validity of QIS performance measures and longitudinal change over four years in Oklahoma 21st CCLC programs.
Design Study for the Summer Learning Program Quality Intervention (SLPQI)
This paper describes implementation and outcomes for QIS in school-based summer learning programs in multiple cities.

Design study for the Summer Learning Program Quality Intervention (SLPQI): Final-year intervention design and evaluation results
DOWNLOAD This paper describes implementation and outcomes for QIS in school-based summer learning programs in multiple cities.

Oklahoma afterschool improvement process: Evaluation of 5 year trajectories
REQUEST ACCESS This paper describes validity of QIS performance measures and longitudinal change over four years in Oklahoma 21st CCLC programs.

Quality-outcomes study for Seattle Public Schools summer programs, 2016 program cycle
DOWNLOAD This paper compares outcomes for struggling students in high quality instructional settings to outcomes for similar students in low quality instructional settings.
Bringing in the Community: Partnerships and Quality Assurance
This paper, published in the Fall 2008 edition of Afterschool Matters: Occasional Paper Series, describes community partnerships in Michigan’s 21st CCLC programs.

Bringing in the community: Partnerships and quality assurance in 21st century community learning center
DOWNLOAD This paper describes community partnerships in Michigan’s 21st CCLC programs.