DOWNLOAD This paper uses pattern-centered methods to increase the usefulness of information available from survey-based skill measures, with a focus on using survey-based skills measures to detect skill change over time.

Managing for positive youth development: Linking profiles of after-school program management to profiles of staff instructional performance
REQUEST ACCESS This paper uses pattern centered methods to describe the association between four collaborative management practices and the quality of instruction available to youth.

Quality at the point of service: profiles of practice in after-school settings
DOWNLOAD This paper uses pattern centered methods to identify three different quality profiles – high, medium, and low – that characterize staff instruction in out-of-school time programs. Citation: Smith, C., Peck, S.C., Denault, A., Blazevski, J. and Akiva, T. (2010), Quality at the Point of Service: Profiles of Practice in After-School Settings. American Journal of … Continue reading Quality at the point of service: profiles of practice in after-school settings

Linking after-school instructional practices to youth engagement: A pattern-centered approach
DOWNLOAD This paper uses pattern centered methods to describe the association between the quality of instruction available and youth’s level of mental engagement with that instruction.Citation: Akiva, T., Pearson, L., Sugar, S. A., Peck, S. C., Smith, C., & Denault, A. (2010). Linking after-school instructional practices to youth engagement: A pattern-centered approach. Paper presented at … Continue reading Linking after-school instructional practices to youth engagement: A pattern-centered approach